Arsenal v Crystal Palace

Matchday stadium opening hours

For weekend matches Club Level opens two and a half hours before kick-off. For weekday evening matches, Club Level opens at 17.30. Club Level is also open for two hours post-match for weekend fixtures and until 23.00 for evening games.

Dress Code

The dress code for Club Level is casual. Denim can be worn as well as home team colours. Torn denim, sports shorts and away team colours are not permitted on Club Level. Guests may be denied access if they do not comply with the dress code.

26 apr. 2025
Mobile E-ticket

Auktoriserad Biljettleverantör

Med 30 års erfarenhet av att leverera biljetter till stora fotbollsklubbar och ledande teatrar, kan vi garantera att du är i trygga händer.

Boka biljetter


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